Flavour Images is a deep dive into our experience of eating through microscopy (photography through a microscope) images of various foods in my diet, and a research essay tying together the neuro-psychological process of eating with image theory and depictions of flavor in modern art. The images were displayed in a giant mouth room covered in painted taste buds.
Perceiving while in a state of wonder; the eyes widen, the mouth opens, the breath changes. The body becomes an antenna for anything to be picked up, even things that would normally be stopped by logic.
To illustrate this, look at a fig under a microscope.
Our senses are constantly engaged in stories; smells triggering memories, touch bringing emotions, sights presenting ideas, sounds pointing attention, tastes reminding us of other places.
To illustrate this, eat a fig.
Brie cheese
Hard boiled egg
Lemon flesh
Chewed lettuce